Frequently asked questions concerning Victory Christian School
What are the school day hours?
Toddlers - K3: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
K4-6th: 7:50 am to 2:50 pm
7th-12th: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm
What is the registration fee?
New Student: Toddlers - K4 Enrollment Fee: $150 per student
K5-12th Enrollment Fee: $400/Family
Current Student: February - March 30th: $300/Family
After March 30th: $400/Family
What are tuition rates?
1st - 12th Grade:
1st Child = $4,950 per year
2nd Child = $4,000 per year
3rd Child = $3,000 per year
4th Child = FREE
Payments may be made in full, bi-annual, in 12 or 10 monthly payments.
How do I apply for tuition assistance?
VCS is now offering families to apply for grant/aid through FACTS for students in K5-12th grades. There is a $40 fee to apply. Click here to access FACTS Grant/Aid application:
(maximum award amount is $1,500 per student for the
2024-25 school year)
VCS is a participating school in the Choose Act of Alabama. For more information and to apply, visit chooseact.alabama.gov
How do I pay for Books? After enrollment, books and fees will be added to your FACTS family portal account.
K4: $200
K5: $275
1-6: $345
7-12: $385
Do you have After School Care or Early Morning Care?
Yes, students may arrive at 7:00 am each day. Early care is provided in the lunchroom at no additional cost to parents.
After School Care is offered to families from 3:00 - 5:30 each day.
What are After School Care rates?
3:00 - 4:00 pm
$6/day per student
3:00 - 5:30 pm
$12/day per student
*Any student not picked up by 3:00 (K4-6) or 3:30 (7-12) will automatically be enrolled in after-school care
Does VCS accept students with a discipline record from another school?
No, students must have a CLEAN discipline record. No suspensions or expulsions.
Is VCS an accredited school?
Yes, VCS is accredited through Alabama Independent Schools Association (AISA) and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS), now Cognia.
What sports teams are at Victory?
VCS is an AHSAA 1A school.
Boys Athletics:
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Track, Golf
Girls Athletics:
Cheer, Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Track
What are the sports fees (7th-12th)?
$150 per sport
Football: $250
Spirit Pack $100 - $200
*Sports fees not to exceed $600/family